Raw Natural Leather Buyers

Leather is one of the fibers that is produced and marketed in two types of synthetic leather and natural leather. Buyers of raw natural leather at the best prices are those centers that produce various clothing and footwear products in the industry from these sheets. Buying natural leather at a reasonable price and high quality, especially for major buyers and manufacturers of various leather products, makes it possible to buy better raw materials at a lower cost and offer the first-class final product to the buyer.

Raw Natural Leather Buyers

Classification of Different Types of Raw Natural Leather Based on Color

Classification of Different Types of Raw Natural Leather Based on Color Leather is one of the fibers that is very widely used and is very popular in the clothing industry as well as in various industries for the production of shoes, bags and the like. The reason for the popularity of this product by people is its constant shine and novelty. In fact, leather fibers are always shiny and rarely lose their quality. Of course, it should be noted that among the leather sheets available in the market, natural leather is the best and most quality type of leather. Natural leather, because it is made from animal skins, comes in different thicknesses, colors, and softness or hardness.

For example, cow leather is one of the softest and most flexible types of natural leather, which is usually produced and marketed in dark brown and light brown colors. Ostrich leather, on the other hand, is one of the leathers on which the design is embossed and is one of the most expensive types of natural leathers. It should be noted that ostrich leather has a much lighter color than cow leather and is considered a kind of luxury leather.

In addition, cow leather is used for upholstery, production of bags and shoes, seat covers, belts, gloves, coats and raincoats for men and women. But the use of ostrich leather or goat leather is a little more limited.

What is the Difference Between Raw Natural Leather and Other Leathers?

What is the Difference Between Raw Natural Leather and Other Leathers? As we mentioned in the previous section, there are different types of leather. One type is synthetic leather, which is known as industrial leather, and the other type is natural leather, which is made from animal skins and is therefore also known as animal leather. Now we have to see what is the difference between these two types of leather. Industrial leather is a leather that uses industrial fibers and chemical compounds in its texture and textiles. This type of leather is less thick than natural leather, has a much greater variety of colors and may be more vulnerable to impact and various weather conditions, as well as repeated use and multiple washes.

In other words, industrial leather tears, punctures and loses its quality faster than natural leather. Another difference between industrial leather sheets on the one hand and natural leather sheets on the other hand is related to their flexibility. For example, industrial leather is a type of dry leather that, if folded, may crack or flake. Natural leather, on the other hand, can be folded without cracking, peeling or disappearing.

One of the best examples of natural leather is cow leather, which is one of the most flexible natural leathers with high quality. Natural leather also has less color than industrial leather, due to the body color of the animals, which is limited to brown, orange and cinnamon. But industrial leather is produced in all light and dark colors. While industrial leather is actually a layer of leather on synthetic fibers, it has several layers underneath and is covered with a liner. Natural leather, on the other hand, differs from industrial leather in terms of fiber composition.

Wholesalers of High Quality Raw Natural Leather

Wholesalers of High Quality Raw Natural Leather Wholesalers and retailers of raw natural leather sheets are responsible for those stores and centers that provide high-volume types of natural leather sheets to factories and workshops, which use these sheets in the garment industry and the bag industry. Of course, in the automotive industry, cow leather sheets, which is a widely used natural leather, are also used to make car seat covers. It is worth noting that these centers provide their customers with raw leather and high quality leather as well.

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